Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Here she is!!!

Kyle and I thought she was going to have a HUGE mouth

Our families first picture
SO.... I officially have a reason to blog now (her name is Kailee!) Kailee was born on 90210, hopefully this doesn't mean she will be a drama queen! I was 41 weeks along to the day when she was born, I was very unsuccesful as far as dilating goes and needed a little assistance, the night before I was going to be induced I went in to get some medicine to help dilate my cervics. I was having contractions all that day that progressively got worse. After getting the medicine I was supposed to lay flat for an hour, but after 45 minutes told the nurse I couldn't handle it anymore. She checked me and I didn't change a bit so I had to go home. I was in so much pain and was so tense that the nurse told me I needed to relax if I wanted to dilate. I went home and went from the tub to the shower to the tub to the shower, the contractions were so painful I was a mess....Anyways this is enough details. Kyle and I headed back to the hospital at eleven, I had dilated to a 5, I got the epidural, pushed for 30-40 minutes and out came Kailee at 03:01 just a bawling. The little stinker decided that she wanted to poop before she came out, which means she had to be suctioned out a lot! The RT was there and just when I thought they couldn't get anymore crap out of her they did. They took her to the nursery to check her out and I went to my room. In the morning I woke up to the Dr. telling me she was in Special Care nursery, he said for some reason she had a high WBC count and she was also in need of oxygen. She ended up improving quickly and we were able to take her home Saturday evening!!


Carson Bateman's mission blog said...

thanks for blogging Tess.

The Banners said...

I am so glad that you have a blog now! It will be so fun to keep in touch with you and see pictures of your darling new family!